Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Why doesn’t God ‘show-up’?

Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Why doesn’t God ‘show-up’?

For a Christian, feeling like God is distant or not present at times is a common experience.

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Feeling like God is distant or not present in your life at times is a common experience for many people, including those who have a strong faith. But God isn’t ‘out-there-somewhere’. God is all around us, much like the air that we breathe, which we don’t notice, because it’s always there! Faith is not solely based on feelings. It's about trust and commitment, about making a decision about what you will build your life on, even in times of doubt. Many people find that their faith grows stronger and deeper through these periods of challenge and uncertainty, but that doesn’t make it easy. Recognising that God is not something or somebody we can ‘control’ but is far outside our ability to comprehend. God is much bigger, in every way, than we imagine. Relationship with God is not like any human relationship. God’s focus with us is on growth, not comfort, but that’s hard to accept when we just want God to ‘show-up’ and make us feel ‘something’.


Matthew Jacoby

Matthew Jacoby

Stuart Duncan

Stuart Duncan

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Conal McClure

Conal McClure

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