Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - How we 'Know'.

Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - How we 'Know'.

If we stay trapped by the cultural norm that knowledge equals information, we exclude many of ways that it means to be human.

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When it comes to knowing, our culture holds us to the “defective default,” a mode of thinking that treats knowledge simply as information. This default mode excludes most of the ways we know in our day-to-day lives. Think about all the important things you know – say about how you feel about your family or loved ones. This knowledge doesn’t come from ‘data’ or ‘information’ but from experience and relationship. If we stay trapped by the cultural norm that knowledge equals information, we exclude things like belief, values, emotion, application, and imagination, in short many of things that it means to be human. How can we be free from the culture trap where we can only ‘know’, if it can be reasoned through the application of logic and critical thinking, data and information? We have leaned so heavily on facts, proofs, arguments, presuppositions, on tactics and techniques, that we have forgotten the simple encouragement of Jesus—“Come and you will see

Longing to Know - Esther Lightcap Meek.


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