Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - How do we KNOW? What about my doubt?

Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - How do we KNOW? What about my doubt?

Is Christianity just a matter of 'blind' faith?

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How do we KNOW? For many outside a faith context, things can only be known and are only considered real, if we can identify empirical evidence of their existence. This perspective asserts that only those things that can be observed, measured, and tested through the senses or empirical methods are worthy of consideration as real. Our need to 'be in control' - the god complex - make this and attractive perpective to our human nature. However, this presupposition is flawed.

Human perception and interpretation of reality are subjective and influenced by various factors, including cultural biases, individual experiences, and cognitive limitations. Concepts like love, justice, and consciousness, for example, cannot be empirically quantified, but they are considered integral aspects of human experience and reality.

From a Christian worldview perspective, the existence of God is understood and affirmed through various philosophical, theological, experiential, and scriptural arguments. Belief in the existence of God is fundamentally a matter of faith, but that does not necessarily mean ‘blind faith’. There is a ‘reasonable-ness’ to the foundation of our faith and our knowledge of God.

The unique characteristic of the Christian worldview, includes belief in the supernatural, the importance of faith, historical events, personal experiences, and non-empirical dimensions of reality. While empirical evidence is valuable in certain contexts, it does not have the exclusive rights to knowledge and truth.


Matthew Jacoby

Matthew Jacoby

Stuart Duncan

Stuart Duncan

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Conal McClure

Conal McClure

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