Thrive Perspectives: Offended for God?

Thrive Perspectives: Offended for God?

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The desire to safeguard what one holds dear is a natural human instinct. It is a human impulse to want to protect what’s sacred to you.

Christians will encounter ridicule and persecution; Jesus told us as much. While it's valid to feel offended by mockery, it's important to be cautious before claiming to represent divine offence. The Gospels do not depict Jesus as angry or offended towards sinners for their sins; instead, his offence and anger is reserved for those who failed to live up to their professed righteousness.

We see through the Gospels that the things that upset Jesus the most were:

  1. Hardness of heart (Mark 3:1–5)
  2. Selfish ambition (Mark 8:31–38)
  3. Spiritual arrogance (Luke 9:51–55)
  4. Self-centeredness (Matthew 23:10–12)
  5. Hypocrisy and fake religiosity (Luke 11:37–54)

Before we take umbrage on behalf of God, it's wise to reflect on the numerous ways we each fall short of God's optimal plan for our lives. This introspection will help us understand and align our actions more closely with the values and teachings of Jesus, the very thing we hold sacred.


Matthew Jacoby

Matthew Jacoby

Stuart Duncan

Stuart Duncan

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Conal McClure

Conal McClure

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